Paisley bruise on her shoulder, same astonished green / Abraded Hour Above the Laundromat / Signature Heat


Paisley bruise on her shoulder, same astonished green

snaking behind her pupils. Limbs adorned
with fresh welts of ink. I kiss her smudged
mouth & sludge-lined eyelids—without her
narcotic sweat, her voodoo breath breathing
down my neck, how did I survive? She
ushers me into her boudoir, steals my soul
as collateral. I feel as if I’m falling—she
pushes me below the waterline. She moves
the hair from my face—this is why I dis-
appeared—she slaps my face with her
mouth—this is why I’ve returned—she
examines my eyes—this the reason I left in
the first place. Then my she-devil hikes up
her leg—drags out her bow—extracts a
crucial song—punish- & replenishment,
again & again from the small body of her
lovesick violin.

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Abraded Hour Above the Laundromat

With a crumpled washcloth that smelled
like the ozone I washed my armpits. Paper
chain of bruises where you held onto me
like I was gravity. Would it always be like
this? Steam & starch, the feral hiss of the
machines as they pressed, breathed clean
empty gowns, empty coats. I spit clean the
smudges underscoring my iron-blue
scorched YES eyes.

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Signature Heat

Arms pinned, slumber-warm sheets.
Breathed my hair in, my clavicle, inhaled
the lair of my epidermis. Tongue charmed
armpit. Axilla, attar of: zodiac & mink;
souring milk; indigenous root, dark
bedrock, & copper. Underarm: beds of
pheromone, glands. Calendula voodoo.
Your tongue lands in the interior of my
shoulder; pocket of forested skin, muscles,
ball & socket. Were we any more animal,
arousing sun to shed her oily husks, we’d
know each other only by trail of musk.
Any affection likewise: an act of primal
spot & recognition. You suckle the hollow.
We find ourselves in the gut of the quarry.
Animal drawn, come to lap from a starry
shallow puddle, private trough. Before you
turn upon me, wild released one.

Flower Conroy

Flower Conroy’s poetry has appeared in American Literary Review, Poydras Review, Menacing Hedge, and other journals. Her first chapbook, “Escape to Nowhere” was selected as first runner up in the Ronald Wardall Poetry Prize, and was published by Rain Mountain Press (New York). Her second chapbook, “Controlled Burn,” was first runner up in the Robin Becker Poetry Contest and is forthcoming from Seven Kitchens Press. She is earning an MFA from Fairleigh Dickinson University. She currently lives in Key West.

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